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Glasbena  šola

Courses & Classes



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Vokalna tehnika, dihalna tehnika, izpopolnjevanje že pridobljenega znanja, študij opernih vlog, samospevi ... 
Priprave na avdicije, sprejemne preizkuse na srednjo glasbeno šolo, akademijo za glasbo ...

Šola violončela

Hands-On Learning

Učenje violončela je primerno tako za začetnike kot tiste, ki bi znanje želeli nadgraditi, pripraviti se na sprejemni preizkus na srednjo glasbeno šolo ali akademijo za glasbo.

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prof. Aleksandra Čano Muharemović

Expand Your Horizons

If you’re looking to expand your skill set and pursue a career your love, look no further. With our variety of courses, exceptional teachers and welcoming student environment, Društvo Akademskih Glasbenikov is the place for you.


prof. Saša Čano

Everything You Need to Know

Pursuing an artistic career can be an exhausting, emotional journey. Whether your goal is to learn new skills, launch an independent business or work within the industry, Društvo Akademskih Glasbenikov is the perfect place to build the foundation. And as a student here, you will have access to our amazing, supportive network throughout your time studying, while searching for a job and as an alumni.

We’re dedicated to teaching the skills and providing the hands-on experience necessary for successful futures, both personally and professionally. Take a look through our site to learn more.

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